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Bao Xudong

General Information

Title:Associate Professor

Discipline area:Digital Dentistry, Adhesive Restoration



Research Profiles: 

1. Influence of digital impression trueness

2. Digital endodontics

3. Adhesive restoration of endodontic treated teeth

Academic Publications

1. Bao XD. The advantages and disadvantages of Endocrown restorations of endodontically treated teeth with large coronal destruction.. Chin J Stomatol,2018, 53(4): 221-225.   

2. Bao XD, Yang JM, de Soet JJ; Liu Hongyan, Gao XJ, van Loveren C, Deng DM. Influencing factors on the competition between Streptococcus oligofermentans and Streptococcus mutans in dual-species biofilms. Caries Res, 2017,Vol. 51 Issue 5, p507-514.

3. Bao, Xudong; de Soet, Johannes Jacob; Tong, Huichun; Gao, Xuejun; He, Libang; van Loveren, Cor; Deng, Dong Mei. Streptococcus oligofermentans Inhibits Streptococcus mutans in Biofilms at Both Neutral pH and Cariogenic Conditions. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(6): p1-11. 

last text: Zhang Qing

next text: Zou Xiaoying

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